Faculty Of Nursing

Academic Units

Academic Units:

Education Development Center (EDC):

  • Developing the educational process represents the basic foundation of the vision and mission of the higher education. The aim is to develop and enhance the cognitive, moral and professional aspects of students and support them by skills to be prepared for the labor market.
  • Education Development Center (EDC) is considered responsible for the development of educational process at the faculty through performing a number of activities that serve the goals of the center which entail the development of the faculty members, students and administrators to improve the quality of teaching and learning skills.

Training Unit:


The vision of unit is to prepare nurses to be leaders in their profession and be excellent in providing nursing care.


Provide comprehensive nursing educational programs in different nursing specialties that ensure standard nursing care, and create new and never-ending channels of communication between the faculty members and nursing graduates.


  • Provide nursing training programs that guarantee mastery of nursing and professional skills.
  • Expand knowledge of all nursing professional categories in different specialties.
  • Improve nurses’ critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills.
  • Keep nurses on the track of recent research findings.
  • Provide nursing graduates with specific advanced training programs that qualify them to upgrade their positions.


Health Promotion Center:

The Health Promotion Center of the Faculty Nursing, Alexandria University conducts provide many services to the students, faculty members and employees. These include:

  • Early detection of different diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity and anemia.
  • Measuring blood pressure.
  • Testing blood glucose.
  • Measuring bone dentistry.
  • Hemoglobin investigation.
  • Anthropometric measurements.
  • Follow up-care.
  • Health education.
  • Counseling.
  • Conducting training programs for health personnel.


The Grants, Innovations and Foreign Relations Center:


The primary mission is to help researchers in how to apply for grants and research projects and in writing a strong proposal, funding opportunities and how to apply protect the intellectual property's rights for all parties: university, researchers, and private sectors.


The Grants, Innovations and Foreign Relations Center of Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University plays a leading role in advancing the cutting edge of science and technology. It strengthens the relationship between the faculty researchers and research institutions locally, regionally, and internationally for the benefits of society.


  • Participate in the global researches and scholarships provided by the internationally and globally different parties so as to raise the health of individuals, family and community.
  • Motivate undergraduate students to participate in the researches carried out by postgraduate students.
  • Conduct ongoing research on grant opportunities.
  • Work closely with university staff to ensure that project ideas and proposals are consistent with university priorities and match with the requirements of the funding source.
  • Protect, manage and license the intellectual property rights.


Biophysics and Biochemistry Laboratory:


Biophysics and biochemistry lab of the Faculty Nursing, Alexandria University forwards to provide good practical performance to improve the educational process.


Biophysics and biochemistry lab aims to improve the continuous educational development through updated practical training.


  • Allow students to use the scientific materials and updating technology in different procedures.
  • Develop the educational abilities of the students and encourage them to continue unique educational levels.

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